Creating A Standard Timer

The Standard Timer will appear into your product's description and it counts down to a specific date and time that you set.

Note: This timer will be hidden from the page when it expires.

Click Create Standard Timer inside SMART Scarcity App

Pick up the Timer Style and Alignment

I love the Round style but you can pick up the Compact Style or Square Style, you can decide what fits better :)

I always wonder how to align my timer; why it has so many options? After you've decided about the style and alignment (please don't tell me your timer looks better than mine)  Enter Your Offer Headline (This will be the headline your customer sees above the timer)

Now it's time to Choose Colors

Another hard decision but I can bet you have a favorite color .. or more ;)


Click on Select Products and select the products where your customer will see the timer

On the left column are all the products from your store and on the right column, add the products to which you want to add the timer. Nice and Simple, just hit Add button

Once you've decided where should I (as your store customer) see the timer hit "Continue With Selected Products" button

Locale - Specifies the language timer would be displayed in.

Use Default option for showing a counter in your store's theme language.

Choose End Date

This should be easy; since Valentines Day is almost here I'll set up the end date Feb, 15th @ 1 AM

Click Save Standard Timer

Boom you're done! You've successfully created your standard timer.