Importing Products using SMART Express & Chrome Extension

Step 1: Install our Chrome Extension, read how to install it HERE.

Step 2: Setup the Base Pricing

You want to make a profit, right? This means your product's price has to be = product's base price + profit. Click on Preferences inside the SMART Express Dashboard and setup the Base Pricing. (Example: if an item costs $10 on AliExpress and the Base Pricing is %200 then this item's price will be $20 into your store)

Step 3: Open AliExpress or Etsy into a new tab and search for a product. Keep in mind that you must have a second tab opened inside your browser with SMART Express Dashboard.


Step 4: Click on the product that you want to import: 


Step 5: Hit Import to Shopify button:

Right away you will see our SMART extension taking action like in the next image:


Step 6: From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

Step 7: Now you'll find the product into your store, click on it and edit the Title/Description/Images. You can check our blog and see how to do it :)